Arkisto 2015

4.11.2015 12.00

A new International Fellowship is starting in Hervanta: why?

A new International Christian Fellowship is getting started in Hervanta. Pastor Giordanni De Carvalho answers some questions concerning the matter.

Maria de Carvalho, Giordanni De Carvalho and Office Manager Willem Hickey from IEC

The Tampere Lutheran Parishes work with other organizations in the Tampere area and internationally as a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. There are English Services, and International Congregation of Christ the King services.

However, a new International Christian Fellowship is now getting started in Hervanta. Why, pastor Giordanni De Carvalho?

- As a foreigner in Finland I can say that there are not enough work amongst us, we are now 5 % of the Finnish population, it is clear that more people are coming to Finland, and there are not yet enough English Services.

- What we want is to contribute, to add, not to compete. The Lutheran Church is doing and has done good work amongst foreigners, one good example of it is the IEC (International Evangelical Church in Finland), it is the biggest international church and the oldest too, and it started by the Lutheran church almost 50 years ago.

- But now there is a greater need than we had 50 years ago. The flux of internationals to Finland is way bigger. It is time to do more. Hervanta has a huge number of internationals, some say that up to 25% of the people living in Hervanta is foreign-born.

Why now?

- This is a good question, but I can only give a believer`s answer, God is opening this door, and He determines the timing.

- I have lived in Finland for nearly 15 years, but only now I have felt God´s hands gently pushing to start this ministry. It may be hard for people outside the church to see it in this way, but for us, church workers, we depend totally on what we perceive to be God´s guidance. This is Hervanta now, and why now.

What kind of plans are there?

- We want to be a fellowship, a group of people that are open for more than just to come together for a “Sunday Service”.

- We are believers in Jesus and we take the Bible vary serious, but we want more, we want to get to know one another, share our experiences, our faith, be hospitable, help each other to better integrate into the Finnish society.

- We want to supply for the need of more social engagement. We will share meals together and offer people the opportunity to be active in this fellowship. We believe that everyone has something to give, to contribute, and we want to foster a community where it is possible to bring our own individual gifs and talents.

How do you start, and how do you continue?

- Acts 3:6; Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

- We will talk about been a church that needs not put our faith into action, practical action. The title of the message is: Faith by itself is not enough.

- We will continue to challenge ourselves to put our faith into practice, this is our aim, to help every deliver that comes, to see that we have a responsibility as believers, we need to transform our surroundings.

- We will meet every Saturday at 15:00hrs, we are a team of people and this is so exciting, God has brought the right people to help me lead this Fellowship. So every Saturday i will be present.

Would you please tell a little bit of yourself?

- I am a Brazilian missionary, I came for the first time to Finland in 1995, I came to prepare the visit of the missionary ship Logos II, I met my wife onboard this ship, she is a Finnish gorgeous lady.

- In 1997 we moved to Finland and we got married, we have 4 teenagers: Daniel, Samuel, Anna Carolina and Lucas. As a family for 4 years we lived on the Logos Hope.

- We returned to Finland almost 5 years ago. I worked in the IEC for 4 years and since March this year i felt moved to start a Brazilian fellowship. We have 3 Services during the week. Every Sunday at 10:30 I am in Helsinki, Every Saturday at 11 in Tampere and every Wednesday at 6pm in Turku.

- I have been a pastor for about 8 years and a missionary for over 20. I am 46 years old. I have a good amount of experience in international Christian work. Love this country and i believe that Finland has a calling to serve God in missions, with domestic and international.

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